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Phase IV of Senior Seminar

What sustainable impact can I have on an authentic problem, project, or idea?

Seminar Essential Question: 

Phase IV Supporting Question: 

How can I improve my innovative idea/solution/etc. while implementing and ensure its sustainability?

Overview of Phase IV

You will answer this supporting question by working through the "I Can Statements" for each Universal Construct.  

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"I Can Statements" for Phase IV

Be sure to double check that you are incorporating each while implementing your Action Plan. 


I can extend my thought process by utilizing experts in a roundtable atmosphere to discuss my creative ideas.
I can extend my creative efforts beyond expectations with experts in the pathway. 
I can project the sustainability and longevity of the solution, project, or idea into the future and it's impact on the pathway.

Critical Thinking

I can formulate own data to research own questions / hypothesis.
I can leverage the technological tools needed to collect and analyze own data.
I can anticipate the problems and potential solutions to conventional and innovative systems.
I can analyze how my conclusion will have an impact on the existing system.


I can effectively communicate my own research/information to the client.
I can effectively interact with my client and incorporate his/her feedback and ideas.
I can effectively communicate with my client within the business setting using multiple media and technologies.


I can use information accurately, creatively, and ethically for the issue or problem at hand.  (P21)


I can build trust among team members.


I can lead the group through systematic collaboration.

Flexibility and Adaptability

I can utilize my ability to be creative and think critically to be an active participant in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities.


I can be an active participant in creating a positive climate toward seeking priorities of my role within a climate of ambiguity and of changing priorities.

Productivity and Accountability

I can utilize time and manage workload efficiently to meet goals by overcoming obstacles and competing pressures. (P21)


I can reflect critically on past experiences in order to inform future progress. (P21)

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