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Phase II of Senior Seminar

What sustainable impact can I have on an authentic problem, project, or idea?

Seminar Essential Question: 

Phase II Supporting Question: 

What steps will I have to take to solve the problem?

Overview of Phase II

You will answer this supporting question by working through the "I Can Statements" for each Universal Construct.  

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"I Can Statements" for Phase II

Be sure to double check that you are incorporating each while you create your Action Plan



I can elaborate and refine my plan to improve my creative (both incremental and radical) concepts. (P21)
I can demonstrate originality in my plan while considering real world limits.  (P21)
I can view failure as an opportunity to learn and adjust my plan as needed. (P21)
I can create a plan on untested ground and potentially risky directions and adjust as needed. (VALUE)

Critical Thinking

I can utilize my ability to reason effectively while creating my plan.
I can incorporate technological resources into my Action Plan.
I can incorporate analysis, synthesis, and evaluations of alternative points of view into my plan. (P21)
I can consider conventional ways to solve a problem and to spark innovative ways. (P21)
I can design my plan to envelope all necessary parts of the complex system (P21)


I can evaluate the information competently and incorporate into my Action Plan.  (P21)


I can incorporate the communication skills (listening for purpose and responding open-mindedly) in which I need to improve within my Action Plan.  


I can utilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics, and conventions within my Action Plan. (P21)


I can state how I plan to leverage social and cultural differences to create new ideas among the group within my Action Plan. (P21)


I can represent myself within my Action Plan in a respectable, professional manner. (P21)


I can include the process I have chosen to help the group reach a compromise if needed within my Action Plan.

Flexibility and Adaptability

I can effectively incorporate feedback and share areas in which I may need to be flexible to reach workable solutions into my Action Plan. (P21)


I can I can describe the various roles within my career pathway in which I need to gain expertise within my Action Plan.

Productivity and Accountability

I can set I can balance tactical (short-term) and strategic (long-term goals within my Action Plan. (P21)


I can incorporate in my Action Plan how I will go beyond mastery of skills and/or curriculum to explore and expand my own learning and opportunities to gain expertise. (P21)


I can demonstrate my ability to multi-task within my Action Plan. (P21)

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